Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu. Halo dear Hijabers, how are you doing? We wish all of us always in highest iman and health, insyaAllah. In this post we would like to share with you about our Islamic Study Group with NooR Magazine.
On 14th December 2010, Hijabers Community was invited to attend Islamic Study Group at Noor Magazine. Hijabers attending this event include Anneke Scorpy, Ghaida Tsurayya, Wulandari, Ekamayya, Sendy Monarchie, Dian Pelangi, Restu Anggraini, Hanna Faridl, Liya Asri, Noria Hasibuan and Fithri Widanarty.
Anneke, Ghaida, Wulan, Mayya, Sendy, Dian, Restu, Hanna, Liya, Noi, Fithri |
The Islamic Study Group opened by Noor’s Editor in Chief, Mrs. Jetti Rosila Hadi followed by the reading of Surah Al-Mu’minun 1-11 as well as the interpretation by Ghaida Tsurayya and Noria Hasibuan.
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Ghaida & Noi read Surah Al-Mu'minun 1-11 |
The theme for this gathering is ‘Welcoming Islamic New Year by Enhancing Our Inner Beauty’. Most people often concern only their outer beauty rather than their inner beauty. Outer beauty is the physical look of a person that can be seen with our two own eyes while inner beauty is the personality of the person that we can only feel it.
It is inevitably that all people judge a person firstly from the physical look, hence many people are busy enhancing his/her outer beauty rather than the inner beauty; by going to beauty salon, fitness, having body treatment, skin care, and wearing beautiful outfit so that they can look beautiful. But in fact, to look beautiful from the outside is not enough to make us a person with a fascinating figure, because the real beauty is actually coming from the inside.
Outer Beauty has its limit, it cannot be upgraded continuously; it has its climax point where it cannot improve further, in fact it will slowly decrease through time. Where as for inner beauty, it has no limit; people can upgrade it continuously throughout their lifetime. The older a person gets the stronger their inner beauty if they keep upgrading and maintaining the quality. Hence it is very important for us to concern more on sharpening the inner beauty rather than the outer beauty.
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The Islamic Study Group: We look serious but also fun, indeed |
With a great inner beauty, we will automatically understand and aware that outer beauty is also important. But at this stage, we have understood that the outer beauty is only the supporting tool for characterizing our inner beauty but that is not the main thing in our life. We have to always remember that Allah SWT, the One who creates us, does not see us from the look or the body of a person but from the quality of their heart.
Then, how to bring out our Inner Beauty? Inner beauty in Islam is based on Adab (manner) and Akhlak (character), which are exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in his Hadith and Allah SWT in the Qur’an. Hence, Adab includes all that is good; every noble characteristic, or trait. Some examples of adab in Islam are the followings:
- Adab of salam: Say salam completely, “Assalaamu’alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu.”; start to give salam ; try to greet in return with what is better that it or (at least) return it equally (Suraah An-Nisa 86)
- Adab of eating & drinking: Start eating by saying Basmallah and finish it by saying Hamdallah.
- Adab when sneezing: Lower the tone, close mouth and face, and also say Alhamdulillah.
Examples above are just a little fraction of Adab in Islam, they are still more lessons about Adab in Islam but we will not discuss them here. Furthermore, Adab that applied continually will become an Akhlak (character). Abu Huraira narrated, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
“I have not been sent as a Messenger, except to perfect character (Akhlak)”
He also said that: “The nearest of you to me on the Day of Judgement will be the one who is best in character.” (HR Bukhari)
All participants of Islamic Study Group at NooR Magazine |
That was the summary of our Islamic Study group with Noor Magazine. Thanks to NooR Magazine for inviting us and sharing knowledge about ‘Inner Beauty’. Insya allah from now on, besides beautifying the outside, we also keep beautifying our inside too. Bismillah.
kakak kakak, ini acaranya dimana yah? aku pengen ikutan deh, tapi ga pernah tau kalo ada acara kumpul kaya gini, hehe
ReplyDeleteMasha Allah! This is what a hijabers community should do regularly. Keep up the good work gals! Be beautiful outside and inside!
ReplyDeleteSalaam, Hijabers!
ReplyDeleteBagus bgt acaranya... Thank you for sharing hasil gathering-nya :)
Tadinya ingin ikut hadir, tapi sayang waktunya pas hari kerja. Lain kali bikin event di week-end yaa. InsyaAllah bisa dan mauu..
ReplyDeletekeren... inner beauty jg dipercantik di community ini ... salut banget...
ReplyDeleteSister..kalo ada event lg boleh donk ikutan hadir..
when is the next event darl?
teruslah berkarya
ReplyDeletebiar hijab fashion indonesia diakui dunia
and here is an award for you there
keep stylish, gorgeous girls
terus maju para muslimah semua :)
ReplyDeletesaya nemuin blog islami yang cantik banget, pasti suka deh
salam kenal
senangnya jadi ada kajian juga... sayangnya g bisa ikutan klo domisili jauh ya, berat diongkos hehehe
ReplyDeleteengga ada infonya nih,,
ReplyDeletetau tau udah gathering lagi,,
mau dong diajakinn,, huhuhu :)
kayanya seruuu,,
aku udah gabung hijabers community di grup FB, boleh gak grab the button???
ReplyDeletekok gak pada dijawabin sih....aneh betul? Harusnya direspon dunk sama admin-nya....ini saran loh, cuz banyak yg mau ikut pengajian ini itu, trus apa maksudnya cuma dipamerin doang neh??
ReplyDeleteSalam, maaf jika teman2 merasa tersinggung karena posting ini tidak kami jawab komentar2nya. Terima kasih atas semua feedback yang masuk. InsyaAllah semua saran dan kritik akan kami tampung demi perbaikan blog ini di masa yang akan datang.
ReplyDeleteUntuk update tentang event2 terbaru bisa diikuti di acc twitter kami. Alasan kami tidak menginformasikan di blog adalah dikarenakan event tersebut tidak diselenggarakan oleh Hijabers Community.
Jika nanti kami mengadakan event sendiri, kami pasti akan menginformasikannya kepada semua hijabers di blog ini.
Harap maklum,
Although clothes and fashion are fun, it's nice to see the Hijabers doing something to further their deen, mashallah. And it's good to see some older women in the photos for a change!
hebat hijabers,makin hari makin disorot.. mdh2an makin hati2 ya,jd trendsetter jg ada pertanggungjawabannya lho. sy liat di foto2,hijabers pd gak pake kaos kaki.. pdhl itu aurat jg kan? pakaian muslimah yg baik dan benar itu adl yg bisa dipake solat tanpa hrs ngedobel dgn mukena. masa iya akhwat solat kakinya kmana2?
ReplyDeletemdh2an makin baik ya.. go hijabers
salam. I found ur blog on fb. I wud like to say i lik the hijabs u girls wear on the pic on main page. How do i get those models ? I am not frm jakarta.
ReplyDeletesuch a nice girls wearing hijab..
ReplyDeletei like it..u are all beautiful..:)